"The course of life is full of twistings, ups, downs and zigzags; from your center, you can accomplish anything."

All My Best,


Versatility in Thought and Action

NAFSI YOGA    San Antonio, Texas   

     Nafsi Yoga emanates from my experiences, movement and thought.  So to be perfectly honest, some of it may be somewhat of a foreign nature to you... as it sometimes to me until I can work out the particulars.   But do not sweat the small stuff....this is an evolving process, much like myself, much like life in general.

     My practice is centered on thoughtful, useful movement.  Believe me when I tell you that my aging body cannot perform some of the 'really cool' Yoga moves you might have seen in a magazine; but if your body has the potential to accomplish them, I can get you there.

   If you are interested in the practical application of the ancient art (for physical/mental health)-- we can work it together.


The emblem (Nkyinkyim) is of west African origin and translates as 'verstaility'; This is my particular stance on the art of yoga -- it is much like a maliable way of life that can be spread around numerous activities and frames of thought.  No matter the corner you come from, yoga can help you move and think in a more flexible manner-- in essence, opening your eyes to more options than you realized.
I have adopted this symbol to remind me of what is possible:  anything!

As much as you have to believe in what you can do, you must also have the faith that you can move right here and now and make something positive happen in your life and others.

It is possible--- you can do it.

Now move.
